
Appeal for educational assistance to needy students- Nivethan Trust (2018-2019)


Dear donors, well-wishers and volunteers,

Greetings from Nivethan Trust!

Hope all is well..

I am herewith enclosing the list of 42 shortlisted students who have applied to Nivethan Trust for educational assistance to pursue higher education in Madurai & Sempati Block in Dindigul, Hospet in Karnataka and Dhamnagar in Orissaunder Nurture Merit Program for this year 2018-2019.

Nurture Merit (NM) Program:Is a well-designed, structured and focused program to support bright students coming from economically challenged families in Madurai to pursue their higher education post tenth class until their graduation leading to employment through financial assistance, training and mentoring support.

Selection criteria: (Selection merely based on merit & poverty situation)

Selection process:

1) Shortlisting based on their application form

2) Individual house visits to verify their family’s economic situation by our volunteers

Our commitment to donors:

We are trying to support these students from 11th STD until their graduation provided they maintain 70% of marks every year in their final exams.

Details of 42 is here We seek your kind support for helping these students to continue and excel in their higher education leading to decent employment and responsible citizens. Amount required per student is Rs.4500 per year.

Financial assistance program is scheduled in the Second week of August 2018 and we invite you to take part in the event.

We will be happy to share with you more details if required.


Team Nivethan